~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. SPOILER!!: Kennedy! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by Deezerz
Aria's story about her experience with the squid amused Kennedy. He'd been a muggle boy plucked right out of his world and plopped down into one filled with magic. So the first time the squid greeted him at that same window he'd taken a jolt of a lifetime. "You know, I might actually go pay him a visit. Challenge that memory of his." Kennedy was intrigued now. How many students must the squid know by now? Did he still remember them all? Questions he'd save for the creature on another day. "That'll have to wait for now," he said, checking his watch. "I've another lesson to teach. Take care, Ms McLeod." He gave her a curt nod and turned on his way. The brooms weren't going to set themselves, as well as the new layout he had planned out.
Aria giggled. “I think he’d enjoy it! I also think that he has a great memory but I haven’t ever asked him questions relating to ancient history.” She cast Escalante an innocent look, hoping her words would make him laugh, or at least make him chuckle. In any case, the man didn’t look old so surely he hadn’t been at Hogwarts ages and ages ago?
Aria was disappointed. She had rather been enjoying this conversation but there was a beam from her. It was understanding that Escalante would have other important things to do. “Byeee, professor!’’ The sixth year gave the man a wave as he departed. Okay, it was time for her to focus on her sketches! It was back to work for her! |