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Yes, it was a great idea. She totally knew it too, but the praise was really nice. Though Kins hadn't ever known anyone to successfully sneak a house elf into the castle, there had to be a first time for everything so. If Luther felt ambitious enough to try, then who was she to stop him, y'know? Plus, he could always blame it on being a first year, which usually worked. "Mm. It'd probably be best to bring him on the train with you so he doesn't get lost." It was a well thought out plan, see? Big Brain.
"Yeah," she nodded slow, noting his new enthusiasm. "It's nice. It's like a little piece of home," she explained as she led them out of the common room. "Class is kind of far today, so we have to hurry..."
Luther heard Kinsay but his head was somewhere else so he mumbled distractedly "
Yes, yes, that might work." Then realizing there were too many variables he was not certain about,
yet, he shelved "Operation: Leo" for some other time and caught Kinsay's answer from the end. "
Ah yes, thank you so much again for helping me." said Luther and started to walk alongside her.