Come Seek Us Where Our Voices Sound
Well wasn't this man positively a delight? She was not so out of the touch with the current situation to have not had some slim expectations of discord among their guests, but the scruffy gentleman's request was so agreeable she couldn't have been more pleased. She even was able to ignore the little voice in her head wanting to correct that clams had rather poor dispositions, poor dears.
Giving a clap of elation, the mermaid's tail propelled her little bubble into a small spin. "Oh what an absolutely wonderful idea! There really is nothing like music to lift the soul, is there? Would you perhaps like some accompaniment? I'm rather good at the seaweed sitar!" And there were some of the merpeople still stalling within Atlantis after having come to perform. Everyone was quite curious to see the return of what had been taken from them by the humans. Perhaps she could get a whole little band together. "I will find instruments right away for your use! Is there anything else you require? Perhaps some fresh rags? More ... adornments?" Her eyes strayed to the boot again. It was still a peculiar but it did at least look a little nicer with the flowers she'd brought them.
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