Thread: The Domes
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Old 09-16-2022, 07:22 PM   #2 (permalink)
Granger Danger

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Bryson Blacknight
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Loveable Gryffinpuff| Stella Bella

Running.... it was something Tadhg did before lessons and right after dinner or before curfew came. Although he normally ran by the lake, today he decided to change it up and run along the pathways and a bit off of it but not to much to get into trouble. Sweating and breathing hard Tadhg started heading back towards the castle before he stopped looking at the domes, it was still a bit early so why not enjoy a good book to calm himself down from running? Walking into the nearest dome to him, he flopped down in one of the chairs before summoning his book to read. Enjoying the peace and quiet he started reading in peace his breathing and racing heart calming down as well.

Hey... this wasn't a bad place for reading and hanging out, now he knew why Lia liked it so much. He would have to remember to come back here for sure, a lot more quiet then the library was at times. This is what he needed, a calm place to calm down and rest from a long nice run. Lost in his own little world, he kept on reading getting a apple from his bag eating it.
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