A Poop * k8 * Arden felt like she was being HIT with the yodeling as she approached the Fat Lady; who was it and WHY? The culprit was none other than Vera, the second year in Arden's house that she found funny, exciting, and a potential friend. It wasn't that Arden often made enemies, but seeing as she had recently inadvertently ticked off two older students, she was feeling much more sympathetic toward the younger ones.
And Vera was one of them! "YOOODELLLLL LAAAAAAY HEEEEE WHOOOO!" she called back, making a cone around her mouth with her hands to reaaaaally project her voice. Her feet carried her toward the portrait hole even faster, and she came to a HOP!STOP in front of her. "Why are you yodeling in front of the Fat Lady? Are you trying to find someone?" Was it a code? A CODE YODEL didn't sound smart. Everyone would know your code soon enough. That's why Arden was sincerely hoping that wasn't it.
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough." 
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |