Thread: Portraits
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Old 09-10-2022, 06:22 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jan 2022
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Posts: 47

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Tasha Barton
First Year

SPOILER!!: Aria! <3

Aria needed an action plan. Why? Obviously the clothing that the portraits were wearing were SUPER ancient. That wasn’t an issue for her; she could make the ugliest of clothing into something gorgeous and fashionable. The idea came to her to select a few portraits whose outfits she liked. From there, she would turn these horribly outdated outfits into something that would have everyone clamouring to wear! Aria could picture her future yet again… she would be one of the most famous clothing designers. Yes. It would be a glamorous life for her!

As she selected the sharpest and most pointy pencil from the set she carried with her, the sixth year happened to notice an ickle a short distance away from her. “Hi, there! Find a portrait you’re interested in?” Having found the pencil she wanted, Aria began a quick and rough sketch of a doublet.


Did people know that doublets were an absolute crime against fashion???

Tasha looked over when the older girl addressed her. "I can't remember the name, but I recognise this portrait from one of my mum's books. I might come back after class to ask about the gillyweed." She said, unable to hide her love of plants. "Are you an artist?" She asked, noticing how the older girl sketched.
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