Starting roulette post for Mitsuki/Kath! <33 Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up Henry couldn't quite remember when the last time he went to the boathouse. The first time, yes, because he'd been a tiny wimpy first year when the boats docked here had brought him and his classmates across the lake on their first night at Hogwarts. Obviously, that was a very long time ago and Henry didn't even have much memory of it, just that it felt good at that time. Any Giant Squid related questions and concerns in relation to his name were dodged perfectly well, thank you very much! Watching you from afar or something, Kissy James! All was forgiven, but not exactly forgotten.
Walking to the boathouse right after class, Henry had decided he'd just take his bag with him as the journey to the basements was far too long and the seventh year was feeling lazy. Which already proved to be a terrible idea because the next moment after tossing his bag to the side, it slid off the edge from too much force and into the water. "No—" He'd spoken too soon.
Sighing LOUDLY out of frustration, the Hufflepuff removed his robes so as not to get it wet, and bent down from the edge to pick his bag up in a very awkward position. All fours, with a lot of hand stretching. The human limbs were capable of amazing but WEIRD positions. Thankfully it sort of lodged itself between a docked boat and the wall, so it didn't sink (yet) (who knows).
The only thing sinking here? Henry Hembree. Who fell right in the water from all that awkward positioning. He even hit his hand on the boat's hull. Nothing serious or broken, but MERLIN THAT HURT.
He let out not a sigh now, but a YELL of frustration. Now both he and his bag were soaked wet. And it was COLD DOWN HERE. Thanks, I hate it.
__________________ It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling... |