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The start of term wasn’t Remy’s best so far. Since the feast, she hadn’t really spoken to anyone, not even her closest friends. It was also safe to say that her studies were also taking a bit of a dive already - she just didn’t care right now. After mustering the energy to leave the dorms, Remy was on a mission and it involved coming to the grounds. But alas, someone in her path that she did not really want to see…
Her friend, who Remy had a few bitter feelings towards at the moment. Not necessarily Lisa’s fault, but she was a fifteen year old girl who was very petty with this kinda thing. The blonde didn’t really have much opportunity to slip by without being noticed, and she would have turned back around but she REALLY needed to get to the greenhouses. Instead she let out a huge sigh, and headed towards Lisa and slowed as she reached her. Best to be nice, she supposed. “Nice bracelet,” she commented with a small smile.
Lisa hadn't bothered to venture further to the grounds as she got lost in thought. She fished into her book bag, pushed around a pencil case and a few snacks, and finally pulled out the bracelet. She held it in her hands and admired it. Atlas had done a really nice job at fixing it after the clasp had broken. She gently ran her thumb over the bracelet, feeling the smoothness, before stopping. The mix of emotions that made her stomach begin to churn. They had really stolen this, hadn't they? Stolen by accident but she needed to find a way to return it to the vendor... But it was beautiful. A work of art. She couldn't believe at one stage that she had thought the items sold at the Street Vendors were simply knock-offs.
Atlas had done a really nice job at fixing it after the clasp had broken.
Atlas.... She sighed. Things were really strange now, weren't they?
She was brought back from her thoughts by a voice she hadn't expected to hear. She turned to her gaze to the left to find Remy there. "
Hey Rem!" she offered her friend the biggest smile in return before trying to figure out what her story for the bracelet would be. "
I... I suppose it is.. It.. um..." Lisa paused. How exactly could she explain that she and Atlas had stolen it accidentally? She was Lisa Nam - she didn't steal or shop lift as much as she joked about breaking the rules and whatnot... She really hated getting in trouble. But this was Remy... She understood. The two of them had become fast friends when they had thrown stones at wheels the summer before their first year at Hogwarts. "
Pretty but also makes me feel guilty... I broke it... Well I didn't break it... it flew out of my hand and then rolled down the street and then broke... I have to return it to the vendor next summer." Her cheeks were painted pink at that explanation. "
So.. at the long and short of it.. I'm minding it..."
Unless the vendor forgot it and everything could be all hunky-dory.
Hey... I saw you at the feast... um.. Is everything alright? I went to go look for you after and I didn't find you..." she asked. Lisa hoped everything was oaky.