SPOILER!!: Meredith
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Meredith was so engrossed in her thoughts about whether she really wanted to buy the dark chocolate honeycombs or something else for the same price that she was startled when a voice asked her a question. The Gryffindor had missed the fact that more students had arrived at the trolley to purchase sweets. "Sorry" she said instinctively, even though she wasn't sure why she was apologizing in the first place. Her blue eyes shifted from Lisa, a girl she knew was in Ravenclaw, to the hefty coin bag in the guy's hand. She was envious after seeing the bag. "Um, I'm not sure about that..." she said to the girl as she felt the few coins in her pocket.
While the two older students began to engage in conversation, Meredith turned to buy a package of dark chocolate honeycombs before spinning around to leave for her compartment. She didn't want to interrupt them both, but they were in the way though. "You two can buy something" or all of it, she thought as she cast another jealous glance at the coin bag.
Johnny hadn’t noticed the young girl eyed his coin wallet nor did he think it would stir envy in anyone.The intention was not to flaunt the coins, the boy just wanted delicious and sweet sustenance. Jonathan would offer to buy the young girl whatever else she was thirsting on but wasn’t sure if it’d come off as rude or weird.
It had momentarily escaped the young boy’s mind that he was probably in the way of the young girl, he’d been engaged in the conversation with Lisa he didn’t notice. Moving out the way Johnny smiled and nodded.
”What did you get?” He cheerfully asked the young girl.
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A party? Her eyebrows raised in reply and she wondered what house he’d be in. He seemed to like risks and fun. That sounded all fun and everything but to buy enough to throw a whole party… That was very generous. Sure, Lisa had pocket money built up from her summer job but she wouldn’t be as generous with the stash. She had plans to use it she had zero plans or so she continued to pretend there was a lofty goal and remind herself of it. “Could be fun,” she nodded. Fun being the party.
“I am and you should be,” she teased. Star struck, that is. “You get the best deals on snacks, y’know,” she joked back with Johnny before offering the lady a very big smile. Lisa was just messing around. It was already a fun start to the Train Ride. She turned her gaze back towards the sweets and sighed. “I thought chocolate frogs but I want something more savory… any recommendations?”
Then the girl in front of them turned towards them and told them they could go ahead. “Um.. okay.” Lisa, not knowing the other girl’s predicament, didn’t think much of it and just offered her a nod in return. She did think the response was sort of… odd. Lisa couldn’t put her finger on the reason why. She did step to the side to let the girl have enough space to pass. “I have to decide on what…Johnny, if you know, you’re in front of me so you can go ahead.”
His Hogwarts house was still to be determined and it was eating at the young boy’s mind as he was eager to just know where he would be sorted in. But in the meantime a train party certainly sounded fun and more so if food was involved! And if he had the means to provide for the said party, then why not?
”I am fun. Johnny grinned.
”So would a party.” He laughed.
John let out a chuckle and grinned,
”Who knew you could meet a celebrity on the Hogwarts Express?” He teased.
”And I do like bargains.” John jested. Lisa was fun and so far he was enjoying the company. Not to ignore the lady he too sent a smile in her direction.
Once out of the young girl’s way he turned his focus to the trolley as he was next in line and didn’t want to hold the line back. Moving forwards the snacks he nodded,
”I would like one of everything, please.” His money does in fact jiggle jiggle.