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Summer had been EPIC for Jasper. He always looked forward to the summer quidditch season (U17 ruled) and this time he had even gotten to help with some camps for younger kids, which was heaps of fun. AND. He turned fifteen which was pretty sweet. AND he got to hang out with his friends without the looming pressure of homework and exams. He was ready to head back to Hogwarts though.
He boarded the train with an easy smile in place and a backpack casually slung over one shoulder. Naturally, he ran into several friends as he made it past the first few cars and chatted with all of them before spotting Daniel in a compartment on his own. Sliding the door open, Jas stuck his head in and greeted his dormmate far too loudly, "Sup, dude?!" His energy levels were THROUGH. THE. ROOF. "Fifth year, isn't that crazy?!" Totally mad. It'd be E P I C on every level. LEGENDARY ~ even.
His summer had not been entirely uneventful, as he had claimed. He assumed his trip down Knockturn Alley with Serena had been different from his usual day. As the train began to leave the station, the Hufflepuff looked out the window and reflected on that day. He hadn't felt in any real danger despite being in a notorious place like Knockturn Alley, apart from a general sense of unease.
The Hufflepuff turned away from the window to acknowledge his hyperactive dormmate standing in the doorway. Daniel had always wondered where he got his energy from, given that he was his polar opposite.
"Hello, Jasper," he replied, refraining from saying something lame and that 'the sky was up' before he nodded, agreeing that fifth year was 'crazy,' though he wouldn't describe it that way. 'Important' would be a better word.
"It is, this year marks the beginning of shaping our future careers" he stated. He wasn't going to get too deep into it right now
. "How was your summer?" He continued not truly caring but he was a little bored anyway.