Common Room Welcome to the Slytherin Common Room!
When you first enter the room, it may take a moment for your eyes to adjust to the dim, green-tinted room. The stony walls are unusually tall for being in a dungeon. Green-hued lamps hover around the perimeter of the room. It seems a bit cold, dull, and damp, but the closer to stand next to the large fireplaces, the warmer you will get. Above the fireplaces are carvings in stone of large snake heads, so you never forget which House you belong to. Additional snake-like carvings slither their way around the fireplaces and along the walls of the room.
Leather couches and arm chairs surround the different gathering areas that are accompanied by a fireplace. Various dark wooden tables with matching wooden chairs are set up around the common room as well, providing plenty of space to do your homework, read, study, or plot your next prank.
The windows, the few that exist, seem strangely dim. With a quick glance, you may think they're just insanely dirty. But every once in a while, you might see a fish flash by... or a kelpie... or perhaps a tentacle from the Giant Squid. That's right - you may be in the dungeons, but you share the underground with the creatures of the Black Lake, too.
Make yourself at home. You may want to bring a blanket. // graphics by the lovely hermionesclone //