Image credit: hermionesclone
Tucked away in a niche on the far wall of the common room is a nondescript bookcase. At first glance, it appears that all the books on the shelf are arranged in alphabetical order, but upon closer inspection, you’ll notice one book out of place. The book in question is a particularly battered black volume with faded lettering along the spine. Anyone who attempts to pick it up to see where it belongs will soon find it isn’t a book at all!
Touching the black book causes the bookshelf to magically pivot, revealing a secret book nook within. The back wall is lined with shelves full of books on a wide variety of subjects. While the selection isn’t as vast as the school library, it should be enough to tide over even the most voracious bookworm. Several wooden study tables and chairs sit in the middle of the room for those needing a quiet place to do homework. If you’d prefer reading for pleasure instead of academics, there’s a cozy corner of the room stocked with pillows and blankets just for you! So find your favorite read, pull up a pillow or a chair, and get comfy!