Chandler Blackthorne
part-time shop clerk at Scribbulus Writing Implements (summers only)
Model: Julia Doyle│Font color: #d2bec2│Twitter: @andieblackthrne Name: Chandler Désirée Blackthorne
Nicknames: Andie, Chandler
Age: 22
Birthdate: 14 Oct 2092
Place of Birth: Howth, County Dublin, Ireland
Current Home: London, England
Blood/Lineage: pureblood/Irish-French
Wand: Patronus: Amortentia: Boggart: Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Favorite subjects: Worst Subjects: Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: strawberry blond
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 104 lbs
Build: slim
Family: Parents: Curtis Blackthorne (deceased in the Third Wizarding War), Noemí Blackthorne (née Villeneuve, deceased in the Third Wizarding War)
Adoptive Parents: Jonathan Andrews, Alyssa Andrews (née Blackthorne)
Adoptive Siblings: Lily Deneau, Brooklyn Andrews
Adoptive Nieces: Rosalie Deneau, Lena Deneau, Giselle Barrington, Phoebe Barrington, Aurora Barrington
Adoptive Nephews: Tyson Deneau, Alexander (Xander) Barrington, Damien Barrington
Pets: Personality:MBTI: