New Timeline... The Death Chamber was lonely and sombre (even moreso than usual) without her colleagues around. Where was everyone? Jane Howard had wandered disconsolately up from the depths of Level Nine, her clothes disheveled and her hair unbound, up and down the corridors of the Ministry, and had eventually found herself in the training room on Level Three. Without a word, she walked straight across the room, stepped down the steps into the large pool, and was currently floating on her back, her long hair spreading around her like seaweed, sadly singing a strange song: "We live our lives beneath the sea,
A shoal, a school, a pod is we.
We ask just to be left alone,
Beings of water, the deep our home.
But the folk two-legged and bold,
Not content with what they hold,
Disrupt the peace in ocean deep
And seize Poseidon's gifts we keep.
Return to us what wealth you stole,
The staff and carapace you hold.
Your two-legged kin are safe, for now,
But not forever, this our vow."
She sang it over and over again... |