SPOILER!!: “the cutest”
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Guess who was oblivious to all these thoughts and feelings that one Remy Ilizith Gaeltheos was all too often plagued by? Yeah, to no one's shock (probably) that would be one Atlas Leonel Flamsteed who whether as a warped perception of self defense or pure ignorance had found himself in this position. More likely than not, however, was a complete misunderstanding and misinterpretation of things. He was not totally oblivious, however, and Aries had seen to that...so perhaps it was much more his warped perception of self defense that drove him to choose not to see. And...was...a friend zone really such a bad thing? He would argue it was not.
He felt his friend zone was...very narrow and even more sparse. Occupied by less people than he could count on one hand.
But, for the record, she did look really nice tonight. He could tell she had put a lot of thought and effort into it...but she also looked effortless as well. She was...just Remy. No matter what.
"Think I've proved that hypothesis," he grinned back. It WAS his OWL term and between studying for those and throwing himself into decoration creation...he had certainly kept himself occupied. They managed to squeeze time in here and there. Remy never forgot about him or made him feel alone in crowded spaces, that had been important.
Chuckling once she put the sunglasses on, Atlas dug around until he found a pair for himself and slipped them on as well. "I dunno...they might suit us," he teased, knowing FULL well how utterly ridiculous they looked right now and, frankly, not caring. It did feel like a bit of overkill, honestly, with the cat ears and feather boa and sign...but wasn't that sort of the purpose of these sorts of set ups anyway? Why have all these options if they were not meant to be used? "We can always take one picture or a set without any of the props too, if you want," he suggested as an afterthought.
Atlas was still hanging outside of the booth as Remy got things set up inside, his ears twitched while overhearing some of the surrounding conversations. Younger years getting to know one another, Red Panties Valentina speaking with Lisa's older brother, Rhett...also finding the sunglasses and popping them on (great minds?), and...one other that had his chest twisting and breathing come uneven. Unable to even begin to comprehend why THAT would be something to aspire to and...pleased about, Atlas averted his eyes and practically leapt into the phot booth after Remy just as she asked him THAT question. Remy, who was standing MUCH closer to the entrance than he had anticipated, so it was more like an improvised glomping that had occurred. NOTHING TO SEE HERE AND EVERYTHING WAS FINE. "H-hey..." he stammered, thankful that he had gained enough balance now to not have fallen over in the collision. His arm around her and other on the display helped things too, obviously. "...uh...fancy meeting you in here."
Couples though. Did they...really have to talk about couples?
For the record… of course the friend zone wasn’t a bad thing for the person putting said person into said friend zone. For the other party… not so much fun. Honestly, even if Remy thought that Atlas was the slightest bit interested in her, she was quite sure he wouldn’t know how to express it, or choose to suppress it. Sometimes she felt like being wild and coming out with everything she felt, but the fear that it would ultimately push him away was too much and too obvious.
The friend zone was here to stay. Her own friend zone was also a quiet place as well, as a matter of fact, making it difficult for Remy to discuss all the feelings that came along with being a teenage girl. She had a close friend in Lisa, but everyone liked Lisa so did the girl even have any real problems that were relatable? Pfft, no. She was pretty and popular. Remy was a little clueless, in that sense, not understanding that the picture perfect life wasn’t all what it’s cracked up to be.
Her problems were the only relevant problems in the world, ever, basically.
I think they make my nose look big. Do they?” Remy gave Atlas an open window to compliment her, as a kind of test. Her expression was playful, though, after pulling the sunglasses to the tip of her nose to reveal her eyes, then pushing them back up after her question. “
I’d love that.” She answered softly when he suggested a set of pictures without the props as well.
After selecting appropriate backdrops, figuring out all the buttons and technicalities, Remy spent time making sure she looked picture perfect before Atlas joined her. She actually was OWNING the sunglasses matched with her feather scarf. Of course, not going for headgear that could potentially mess up her hair, and mess up their set of prop-less photos that Remy would CHERISH. She was about to announce that she was ready for Atlas to join her, and that he did. Suddenly his arm was around her, and she had pretty much let all of her weight go so that he was essentially holding her upright.
Woah!” She couldn’t help but hold herself in place for a moment and tilted her head up to look at him with doe eyes. NOPE - the eye contact freaked her out so Remy quickly regained use if her own body and stood upright, being careful not to shake off his arm around her just yet. “
You’re SO eager for pictures with me, sheesh.” AHEM. “
So, uhhh, are you ready, then?” She adjusted her now crooked sunglasses.