Thread: Dance Floor
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Old 07-27-2022, 08:51 PM   #44 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Regina Circe Cho
Third Year
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Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post

Was Apollo Grimm Adara-Stark here out of obligation or because he wanted to be here? The world may never know, but he certainly enjoyed the company of Maya Nam. Not to mention this was the IDEAL break from his OWL studies that had been consuming him this year and even the ever studious slytherin needed this.

"The decorations are splendid." Also, did she notice the elements representing their respective houses were fire and water? Because he definitely had and somehow it amused him. He glanced around the dance floor, taking note of Lisa there with Freddie and Atlas. Hogwarts certainly cleaned up nicely and he knew he was no exception.

"Dance with me?" He extended an arm for her. Also was she wearing heels because he really didn't envy any girls who chose to wear heels. That was when he heard the headmaster reading something of a poem or riddle, he looked over at Maya with a befuddled look. "I didn't think this evening would be filled with educational sentiments, but suppose there had to be some surprises. What do you suppose the headmaster is on about?"
Maya had not originally planned on going to the dance. But after hearing her sister talk about it so often along with the rest of the student body, she couldn’t help but be curious. Then before she knew it, the Slytherin had picked out a dress, owled her Eomma to ask to borrow some jewelry and then somehow ended up with a date. A date that made her feel like a cliché from any coming of age muggle move - the kind where the girl finally gets the guy and is whisked away on the dance floor. Like A Cinderella Story… minus the curfew and raging stepmother.

”They did an excellent job,” Maya agreed, looking around, wide-eyed. Sure the charmed ceiling in the Great Hall was something but this… was another level. Maya had never seen anything quite like it. She smiled at the sight of the banner of the houses and the elements they represented. ”It’s a bit funny, isn’t it? The banner? None of my siblings came as the elements their house represents,” she said with a slight giggle. Since Evan chose fire… and Lisa chose water… and Maya herself had settled on air. It was a it amusing to her. ”And our houses are complete opposites, but you know… sometimes they say.. they um… attract each other Maya said the last part quietly, embarrassed that she even said it out loud.

She cleared her throat, looked at him with a bright smile on her face and took his offered arm. ”Whisk me away, Prince Charming,” she joked, before her head turned as well. Maya’s attention turned to the dias where the headmaster stood, equally confused as Apollo at the poem. ”I thought today was supposed to be a break from the OWLs,” she said, her head tilting slightly and then her brow furrowing as she tried to figure out what the headmaster could possibly be referring to. ”Maybe a creature… got… loose?” Not that Maya could think of any who could write. Unless it was like in the Little Mermaid and a mermaid turned into a human… except the Mermaid was mad at everyone?
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________

_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
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