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FearlessLeader19 Silent moments were more than therapeutic. It worked just as well if your company happened to be someone you were comfortable with. As far as Jude was concerned, Lisa could have kept her eyes closed all she wanted, for as long as she wanted; he’d have gladly been her sight. He heard her breath deeper than before and silently encouraged her to do more of that. Deep breathing worked great too; it helped to control any anxieties. His mother, in fact, had serenaded him with this particular song. But back then, he had only latched onto the chorus; learning the rest of the song came sometime after. But! A lot of people tended to greet him with “Hey, Jude!’’ and that always brought him quite a bit of joy.
The Hufflepuff chuckled. “Definitely. It does.” Trust him, he knew. He had spent months wishing there was an off switch to his emotions. Putting together what Lisa said, he got the impression that there was friend and/or boy trouble in her life. “Relationships are messy, any relationship. It’s easy to feel alone but there are always those who look out for you. You’ve got your siblings… and me.” Jude didn’t say it but he was more than willing to lend a shoulder whenever she needed it. “I can offer this advice because I think I’ve been where you are… it’s okay to step back from those who have hurt you for a bit. You need that time to process what you’re feeling. They may or may not understand why you’re doing so; at times you need to put yourself first."
Lisa remained silent at first, focusing on her breathing. In and out. She looked up at him when he said that he knew emotions sucked. Relationships were messy. She looked up at him and smiled when he mentioned that she had her siblings and him there… always. She hated relying on people but she leaned a little more into Jude. “
Thanks… so it’s okay to want to feel alone and by yourself? To think through things? I haven’t talked to Serena… nor V…. Or Jasper.”
Maybe I like the wrong type of people? Is that possible?” Was Daniel… more into her than others had been?