books and cleverness | i like you a latte Yay, it worked! It wasn't a fancy paper airplane, but Jo was proud of what she achieved. She picked up what used to be a knife and smoothed out the creases on the paper. She could not remember if Professor Carton had instructed them to bring back their work, but if she did not have to hand it in then this paper airplane was most certainly going into Jocelyn Bryce's Portfolio of Magic.
With more confidence in her spell work, the Slytherin was about to head to the left to transfigure more knives propped against a tree when she heard that time was up. She went back to the classroom, sighing in disappointment. Still, she did have progress to reflect on, and she added thoughts to her notebook before raising her hand (the one that was holding the paper airplane). "I didn't get to practice the spell on lots of knives, but I'm guessing smaller ones with simple designs would be easier to transfigure. Swords, for example, would be more difficult."
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