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"Yes," Margaret said bluntly. "That's very weird." Not surprising, but definitely not normal, in her opinion. He was welcome to ask someone else for their opinion, though.
She leaned in to get a better look at the tattoo sketches. Given her own lack of artistic ability, she was inclined to be less judgmental about this than about the missing OWLs. "I like that one," she said, tapping it briefly. "You should ask Ashley for ideas though-- she's good at that stuff." As well as plenty of other stuff, like books and flying and honesty.
She fidgeted with her wand a bit, looking down at their feet. "Um, yeah, I have some ideas. They're...well, some of them are good enough for like, the little foggy bits of a patronus," she said, shrugging. The memories she used most frequently were all family related, usually from before her parents' divorce. "I think it needs to be something different, though, right? Like, find a really good one and that'll always work?" She frowned. "If a memory isn't enough the first time I try it, does that mean it'll never be good enough?" she asked Evan, figuring he would know these things.
He definitely didn't feel the need to ask anyone else's opinion, he felt quite certain their response would have mimicked that of Mamie's. He gave a small chuckle and a shrug of his shoulders.
"I guess we'll see how I eat those words next year." Although... with no real direction of where he wanted to take his life, he wasn't feeling as stressed about those. That could present a problem later.
He looked at the one she indicated, tilting his arm to see it at a different angle, before nodding.
"It's not bad. It would look much better from an actual artist. I will ask Ash though." Because yes. she definitely would have far better artistic suggestions. He couldn't think of anyone else better equipped to offer advice in that area.
Wisps were a good start.
"So you can already do a non-corpreal patronus? That's good." And having a start on the memories was good. Margaret's question though... Evan blinked at her for a moment, trying to not look as unsure as he currently felt. That was... a really good question, and he was browsing through everything he'd ever read in his mind trying to determine an answer.
"I'm not 100%, but I think you could use the same memory if your attachment to it were to change." What was it Remus Lupin was quoted to having said about the memories?
"I think the important thing was you were supposed to be able to put everything into your memory for the form of your patronus that is things a dementor would lack. Warmth, hope, joy, love. Those types of things."