Hi friends <333 Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein
Was Evan surprised to see his siblings here? Yes, and no. Lisa had the slightest sliver of narcissism to her, so if there was anything that said MODEL he was sure it would have drawn his youngest sister's attention. Maya, however, he assumed she'd be holed up somewhere studying. But truthfully, he was glad to see her out and about and taking breaks from the books. It helped too that this was a room full of females and then himself, her brother, which meant no further concerns of dating. Would he have reprieve for worrying about his sister during her fifth year? He certainly hoped so. But still, the fact they all three showed up amused him just as much as it seemed to for Nerina. "Apparently we show up in packs." He commented softly, smiling teasingly at his sister's before heading over towards the camera. He inspected it a bit, not touching it but just looking at the type before giving a nod at her instructions. "i'd be happy to do that." He was no where near Cora level of photographer, but he was sure he could manage some photos for her.
As for payment? "That's not necessary if you're busy. If you want men's hair for your portfolio too, I'm fine with offering mine for your creative freedom." Because truly, he didn't care what it looked like and quite often liked changes anyways. But he also wasn't the type that liked to impose on others. He had primarily showed just to make sure his sisters weren't getting into too much trouble, anyways.
Evan returned Kinsay's smile and a wave as well. Considering they were friends, he was sure Kinsay would have said so even if Nerina was terrible at hair but he was inclined to believe the Gryffindor anyways.
At Maya's quick offer of his hair as well, Evan turned his eyes to her and raised an eyebrow. He could only imagine what his sister was already thinking, and while he opened his mouth to shut her down immediately, he paused. And decided to try to be unpredictable instead. Wasn't that what his whole goal for this term had been to be? "Maya could probably come up with what would look decent for me too. I'd be fine with that." He was also betting on the fact the Slytherin would think twice on being TOO mean with her ideas if he'd agreed to it before hand. Primarily because he'd taken some of the fun out of it.
Lisa on the other hand? She was chaotic no matter what his tactic on dealing with her.
Evidenced by the fact she was asking about Christianna?? Evan turned and looked at her, blinking a bit. "Christianna?" Lisa really could be quite random. If only he knew about this supposed list that apparently contained all the castle inhabitants. "I've never really considered going for pink." Or was she blonde now? It'd been a minute. Lisa was getting all of the suspicious looks, eyebrow still raised which was possibly just going to become a permanent feature. And while he was certainly no photographer, "I would think it's unsurprising though. It's not a secret our cousins like free labor." Which meant thanks to the three older family members, Evan could dance, bake and take a couple decent pictures. "Did you come because you were hoping to get photos taken? You've always liked posing for Cora the best."
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start |