Lily, unlike her cousin could get hangry or, well, was it even hanger if you weren’t even sure if you were hungry? Still, she was just ready to go home to be with her family and for summer. So the now fifteen-year-old had trudged over to the table and flopped onto the bench across from Keigh and couldn’t help but raise her eyebrow when she heard the names. ” so, do you have anything fun planned for summer with Evan?” she asked, raising an eyebrow; of course, a part of her was curious as to what they would be up to since, well, she wanted distractions and fun this summer. ” oh! Jude! Did you hear about what happened at the Music Awards?” she asked as her eyes sparkled with mischief and awe ” you know um ... Anabeth – Koen’s bandmate – well ...” she paused and fished the photograph taken from the event out of her pocket ” apparently some musician proposed to her? Like at the event? I think if that were me, I would have died, you know, from embarrassment because there are like a million zillion people watching” she shook her head and laughed and just handed him the clipping from the magazine.
Why had she kept it – simple? She knew the band AND HELLO? She wanted to like bug mum and dad about seeing if she could get dress robes that were that shade of green since it was so pretty ... gosh, she just found her so pretty even if she’d never admit it out loud because ew fangirling over people was so not her scene.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |