Which came first, the phoenix or the flame? "F E R U L A. Fe- Fer- oooh- la. No, fer-rool-lah, fer-rool-lah, ferula. Ferula." Maybe one day she'd be able to do nonverbal healing charms. Ooh. She traced her finger down, up, and down again like it was a wand bandaging her right arm. Then she traced it with her other hand for good measure(what if she hurt her wand arm?)
Vulnera Sanentur sounded like a very cool spell. Ash had to remind herself that magic couldn't fix everything. "V U L N E R A S A N E N T U R. VUL-ner-ah... um, VUL-ner-ah sah-NEN-tour. Vulnera Sanentur. Vulnera sanentur. Vulnera Sanentur." That was a lot of syllables... Ash was glad she knew some of the latin roots. She traced imaginary wounds with her fingers, visualizing the healing. She'd seen the spell used before, so it definitely helped with that. Ash was pretty good at visualization anyway. She spent a couple moments imagining what the spells would look like and refining the movements. |