White Knight (left)
Violet waved back at Aria and Evan and considered what she wanted to play. She smiled inwardly when Aria took her position. It figured that she would choose to be a queen; Violet wondered whether the other girl even knew what being a chess queen involved. It wasn't that she disliked Aria, she was just so...bright, and bouncy, and in your face, all the time. Violet could only take that sort of thing in small doses; growing up alone as she had, she found extensive socialization wearying. Evan, on the other hand, was a lot quieter and easier on the nerves.
Violet continued looking at the chess board--she was momentarily tempted to take the White Queen and place herself in confrontation with her fellow Slytherin. But eventually she decided she felt more like a knight today, and so she hurried over to take the knight's place to the White Queen's left.