Lovely™ | Captain Hurted | Ariana's Bane | Resident Antagonist | Unparalleled Delight In true hypocritical fashion, Milo welcomed the Flamsteed's suggestion just as much as the Flamsteed had welcomed his own, and was just on the verge of pointing out he'd not asked for his input when Ms Applewood contribusted.
And thus it was, that in removing the need to make a choice, Milo had still ended up with four options, some veering so close to his own preference that he knew he shouldn't choose them, but then by avoiding them, perhaps that was equally telling. To bluff, double-bluff, triple-bluff, or... He blinked hard, flexed his fingers, and wordlessly nodded.
Milo was ready to drift away in that moment, was already in the process of detaching from the activity and wandering away to who knew where, when the Flamsteed appeared directly in front of him. Probably he had not simply appeared, and probably Milo had simply absented himself from the moment without realising, but in the moment between shutting his eyes and opening them again, he had a partner. Perhaps he had missed an entire discussion about partnering up too. Milo blinked again, and touched the tip of his index finger to his throat, but that only confused the data and made him even less sure. Instead, he looked at the boy who couldn't hoop-toss his way out of a wet paper class activity. "It's-" he began, but stopped himself just before correcting him on what 'Renaissance' was, and how to say it. He had, after all, already claimed ignorance on the topic of history and may as well keep it going a little longer. Milo allowed the pause to stretch on, balancing himself on one foot and reaching back to hold onto the other with one hand, because sometimes that made it easier to concentrate. "Which sauces?" He paused again, switched to the other foot. "Souvenir goggles."
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Chocolate! |