Anyone! ^_^ ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Of course her fathers never had any issue signing a permission slip for her. Val and James McLeod knew how responsible their daughter could be when she wanted to be. The Slytherin literally skipped her way along to the Salon that morning, thrilled to be out of the Castle for a change. There were prices for their services that needed to be checked out.
The rock music hit her immediately, making her head bob in appreciation. Aria didn’t mind the genre of music in general; as long as the tune was able to energise her. Something else that spurred her hyperness? The bright colours in here. This place was POPPING!
Aria made a mental note to check out the magazines she spied earlier then proceeded to inquire about the price for eyebrow waxing. Yes, her eyebrows needed some TLC! |