Thread: Ecological: Pets 'n' Plants Café
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Old 03-01-2022, 02:59 AM   #25 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Wonderland
Posts: 61,759

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Beauden Wild
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Gillyweed Beery
Fourth Year

Ministry Department Head:
Franklin Paton
Law Enforcement

Ministry Department Head:
Tallulah Gamp
Accidents & Catastrophes

x8 x8
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch

Funny thing about that espresso machine was that, well, he didn't know how to use it. Jordan was eyeing up the thing, contemplating to just push a random assortment of buttons and hope for the best. So, the approaching presence of the part-Kneazle and the man in the room was more than welcome. If anything, it would buy him some time to figure out how to use the contraption.

"Hi there, kitty, kitty, kitty," he cooed, kneeling down and holding out a hand for the furball to smell, lick, whatever it needed to do.

His eyes darted over to the man, who apparently was called Darej Patterson and had a way more important role than he did. Enforcement Division Head was surely higher up in paygrade than personal assistant. But Jordan was good at playing it cool. Clearly.

"Hicks. Jordan Hicks. New personal assistant for Ms. Marshall," he responded. "So far things are going good here." Definitely way better than how things were not that long ago in New York. He hadn't gotten into any trouble on this side of the pond, and he still had a job. So, yes, things were going rather well. "Still trying to get the hang of things though, but I'm doing alright."

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