SPOILER!!: Ash! <3
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Ash almost started crying again when Evan hugged her. Because she was pretty sure he didn't even like hugs but he was trying to make her feel better and AHHHHH. He was her best friend and she would do anything for him, ok?
Ash spoke softly, gently hugging Evan back before letting go. "Of course magic can malfunction." Wands malfunctioned, spells malfunctioned, enchanted objects malfunctioned... sometimes the magic inside of someone got messed up. "There are a lot of ways for things to go wrong." Ash, being Ash, was inclined to believe that tampering or foul play was involved. But maybe that was just her? "Maybe the enchantments are just old and going haywire... or maybe someone is breaking things on purpose?" She touched to door. "Please let me in." It was worth a shot.
"We should ask BOTH of them. Because Carton is in charge of the Ravenclaws, and Kazmi is in charge of everywhere. I wanna know what they are doing to protect us. We can ask Carton first." She trusted them, of course, but she liked (repeated) reassurance. And that wasn't out of line, since, um, the castle kept breaking and trying to kill them. And because, um, Hogwarts had never been a safe place. just pointing out the facts.
Generally hugs were not Evan's favorite thing, but he didn't mind it so much when he was closer to a person. Close friends and his family were the exceptions to the rule, Ash included. Besides, he knew how much she DID like hugs and if that could comfort her when she was upset, he would absolutely do that.
"Fair point." Spells were the most common, as they backfired a lot. He'd been lucky enough to never experience a large misfire, it was usually just.. his magic didn't work or was weak, but he'd certainly seen it enough. Besides, even here at Hogwarts hadn't they seen magic malfunction before? Or... at least heard about it, in the case of that term where his brother just... disappeared.
"Who would have had access to interfere? Thankfully it's not like Board of Governors was invited here this year.." bless Kazmi for that,
"so tampering seems unlikely... unless... wasn't it mentioned at the beginning of term there'd been cursebreakers cleaning up after the vine fiasco? Could maybe one of them just.. messed something up with the entrance?" He wasn't jumping to intentional, though... if it had been it didn't seem worse than just a prank.
Talking to both seemed the best plan, so at her suggestion he found himself nodding in agreement.
"Let's go to Professor Carton's office then. Doesn't seem like we'll be getting anywhere with the door anyways..." but maybe their Head of House could help them get in quickly so Ash could cuddle her cat.
"Do you want to go together? Or should one of us stay here?"