Lovely™ | Captain Hurted | Ariana's Bane | Resident Antagonist | Unparalleled Delight Milo blinked hard and looked up again, pulled momentarily out of his thoughts by mention of the very thing that had leapt out of them before him. Beautiful, yes. Incredible, probably. Milo wasn't much of a daydreamer, at least not in the sense that he could decide where to send his mind - mostly it went places and it was as though he happened to be there too - but Lothlórien was one of those places he would take himself if he knew how to. Perhaps he could learn.
It was the likening of the forest to silver and gold through the seasons that had first drawn him in, the first time he had read with Rose, and it was that he thought of now.
Which, it so happened, brought him in a roundabout way to an answer that was more or less applicable to the question Ms Applewood had asked. Milo hadn't ever been to an amusement park before - two of his previous schools had organised trips to such places, but one had refused to let him join in, and he himself had adamantly refused the other. But he had a good idea of what they were like. "Metal," Milo said, tap-tapping the teeth again. "They need a lot of metal. Alloys. Probably carbon too, that's not a metal." He paused, considered, summarised. "Elements. Always you need elements." For everything(?).
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Chocolate! |