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Bazinga Meda was taking a walk and found herself near the portraits. There were so many portraits she enjoyed stopping to speak with, but today she wasn't looking for any particular framed person and decided to just go an check on all of them.
As she headed down she noticed a few that looked as if they weren't as level as they normally were and looking around she saw a few cracks in the wall above those frames. "Oh dear that isn't good."
It was probably a good reason why those two frames were empty at the time. The poor occupants probably went to find more level ground.
Rayna was lost. AGAIN. She gave a sigh as she rounded yet another corner of the castle, wondering if she'd find something in this corridor that would look somewhat remotely familiar.
"Excuse me." Rayna said, sneaking upon the older woman.
"What are you doing?" Rayna abandoned her quest for making it back to the common room when she realized this teacher was just standing there looking at empty frames.
There were lots of crazy people around, but staring at empty frames was something.
"You know, no one is there." Rayna pointed out with an exasperated sigh. The eleven year old crossed her arms and titled her head to the side looking at the frames. Was there something there she was missing?