Violet mulled over the idea of asking the elves for a birthday treat, something that had never occurred to her to do in all her years at Hogwarts. But she was rather off cake, or indeed all baked goods, since the year Healer Poppy had filled the castle with her bread. Sure, it had turned out the bread wasn't the cause of the problems, but Violet couldn't separate that smell from the sickening allergic reaction she'd had all year to the potion in those candles. "Hmm," she mused out loud, "I'll give it some thought....Not cake, though...maybe they'd make me a meat pie..."
While Violet was thinking happily of food and family and birthday cards, she suddenly heard a rustle of feathers swoop by her and looked up to see with horror the spectacle of her errant magpie, Machiavelli, sailing past her to land right on top of Professor Amstern's head. The sight of all those owl treats the man had been dealing out had been too much for him. OOC: Oops, sorry! I didn't realize that it was my turn until now! |