For Ash
Aiden had a really big problem.
Having been taken to school before he was ready, there was still a lot of things that Aiden had never learned to do. At home his mum had done just about everything for him.
It was the weekend, and there was free time today, so Aiden could wear his favorite sneakers from home. There was only ONE problem....Aiden had never learned to tie them.
He usually just asked the other Hufflepuffs, but sometimes they came untied in the middle of the day, like now. What was he gonna do! He wasn't supposed to go around with untied shoes! What if he tripped! His mum had said once that whenever he had a problem he just had to go ask a big kid. Aiden was very small for his age so almost EVERYBODY was a big kid, but some were bigger kids than others.
Seeing a student that looked older, Aiden walked faster to catch up to them. "Excuse me," Aiden said, reaching up and tugging gently on the girl's sleeve to get her attention. When she turned she would see a boy that seemed far too small for Hogwarts holding a teddy bear at his side. (Though Aiden's teddy bear was starting to get recognized more than Aiden himself, since he brought him to every class.) "Um... I need help," the small boy said up at her, sliding his foot with his untied shoes forward. |