>:3 Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
There was no way in AZKABAN that Remy would be able to pull this off by herself. In fact, she had spent the whole morning wondering if this was a good idea, as her reputation of a good student could be ruined forever. That being said, the mischievous Gryffindors had no intention of getting caught, hence the invisibility cloak, so all that was required was a little teamwork.
Remy had no doubt in her mind that Lisa would be able to pull off distracting Holden, although she was surprised in her even agreeing in the first place. Suppose she’d better receive some of the credits later on. Hmm.
The positioning of the pair was a little… snug. In normal circumstances, Remy would enjoy being this close to Atlas but in all honesty, it was stressful. Her breath was held until Professor Holden was almost out of sight, and she was suddenly being lunged through the door before it closed. Phew… they had made it, and thankfully hadn’t ended up as a heap on the floor of the office. “You almost took my arm out it’s socket!” She had now freed her hand from his, by the way, and peeked through an opening of the invisibility cloak.
“Coast is clear.” That’s what they said in the movies.
__________________ who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ ![](https://sig.grumpybumpers.com/host/Emzily.gif) _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream |