Thread: Ecological: Pets 'n' Plants Café
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Old 01-03-2022, 04:00 PM   #16 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post
To bring a fresh tuna salad to the café had maybe not been the wisest desicion since in a matter of seconds Aurora had been surrounded by cats and kneazles begging for a bite of tuna. She indulged them with a few bits of tuna before she dug into her salad. Aurora was thinking about getting herself an ice tea when her assistant walked in.

Looking up at him with a smile she answered with a fork wave to the chair opposite her. "Hello Carson, not at all. Take a seat." After swallowing down another piece of salad she asked him. "Have you had a good day so far?" Hopefully he hadn't filled her calendar with too many new meetings and appointments. The work of a department head never seemed to end. "Have you checked in on the grinylows today?" Aurora wondered as she reached for her wand to accio a glas of ice tea while she let a brown kneazle jump up into her lap and steal a piece of tuna still on the plate.
Carson returned the smile. Instead of taking a seat in the chair opposite Aurora (which was actually already occupied by a Cruppie too small to be seen from the other side), he put down his ham sandwich on the square table and walked over to the drinks counter. "Yes, I've had a good day so far! I last checked in on the Grindylows at 9 o'clock this morning. They're doing better today - aggressive, like they should be - but the quicker we get them moved the better, I think." While replying, he had also been busying himself with getting the two of them something to drink. He was about to ask if she wanted some tea when she Accio'd it herself. Ah, so just an iced coffee for him. As much as he liked Firewhisky, it was just not an appropriate beverage for the workplace.

"What about you? How has your day been?" he asked as he made his coffee. It was an unusual day, as they had not seen each other since checking in before work. "What did Transportation say about the Grindylows?"
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