Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl This was the rite of passage for every Hogwarts student - the sorting ceremony. Amos Forsstrom was feeling a mixture of emotions, as first years often did at the start of term feast, but his were particularly jumbled. They did that sometimes, and it was hard to focus on one. He waited patiently for the other students to get sorted first, making a mental note of ones he needed to avoid, and ones to claim as friends. Purely based on what houses they were placed in, of course.
Amos was a pureblood, he knew how this all went, and he knew about houses and their reputations. His family didn’t really have much of a pattern like some others did, but the small lad had a few ideas about where he could be placed. His first choice being Ravenclaw because he considered himself a sharp thinker.
“Forsstrom, Amos.”
His turn already??!!!! THUD, THUD, thUd…
That was his heartbeat at the sound of his name being called. His exterior remained calm and collected but his insides were SCREAMING. This was such a poignant moment, and he could not mess the walk to the stool up.
His heart was in his mouth as he sat down, just pleased to have not tripped yet. The sorting hat pondered his placing for a very short time, appearing to be stuck between two houses, but before Amos could really display any kind of preference, it bellowed, “SLYTHERIN!” Huh… that was sure interesting.
Not his first choice but Amos was totally vibing with his new house. He VERY carefully stood, making sure not to step on his robes, and scanned every face at the Slytherin table before joining it. You couldn’t tell by his face at all, but he was pretty happy.
__________________ who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream |