Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee Mercer was bouncing on his toes as Marina made it through her sorting, and he was fully twitching by the time his own name was called.
"Branxton, Mercer"
And it was his turn! Mercer dropped onto the stool and the hat was slipped down over his forehead. It was nice and quiet inside the hat, with no one staring at him and the hum of student voices muffled. Just a sort of droning voice, and Mercer was well practiced at ignoring adult voices when the thoughts in his own head were more entertaining.
Like this place was so BIG, and he was still in awe over the boat ride and seeing the castle for the first time and then coming into the Great Hall. And he thought he'd seen a ghost and there were suits of armor and... "... are you even listening?"
OH! That voice was the HAT! Nope. Not listening. Thinking about all the things and not listening. Could they just move this along, so Mercer could go to his new table and then his new dormitory and then classes and then making new friends and then meeting a ghost in person and then probably adopting his own thestral or something? "You're exhausting. RAVENCLAW."
Yup, sounded right. Mercer hopped off the stool as the hat was lifted off his head. Hey, new best friends.
__________________ ★ Dawn ★
Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest |