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Old 12-28-2021, 04:44 PM
PhoenixRising PhoenixRising is offline
Default Charms Practice Room

{ Charms Practice Room }

Next the Charms Classroom, you'll find a small door that is always locked. But rest assured, it's locked in a way to encourage to you to practice one of the most simplistic charms you will learn at Hogwarts: Alohomora. Casting this spell will unlock the door and lead you up a spiral staircase into a large open space.

The room is bare for the most part, save for a large trunk in the corner of the room that contains all the props you might need to practice any charm your heart desires.

Students are encouraged to use this room to practice their charms and complete their charms homework whenever they wish, but please leave the room in the orderly fashion that you found it. Professor M is not opposed to punishing students who leave the room a disaster. And rest-assured, she WILL know and find you.

OOC: This practice room is open to all and there's no sign up required. Feel free to use it as a tutoring place and most importantly, have fun! Please remember that all SS Rules apply