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Old 12-23-2021, 03:20 PM   #119 (permalink)
Join Date: Dec 2021
Location: London, England, UK
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Default Harry potter and the sorcery salves

(a book to enormously entertain you people and persons in these troubling and trying times)

Harry Potter renamed as Terrie,
Harry Potter retold and rewritten in an alternative universe in a new fantasy series as Terrie,
Harry Potter retold and rewritten in a new fantasy book as Terrie, The Sorcerer,
by pen-named author Loic Cabrel

Terrie, The Sorcerer, a new novel about Sorcerers and Sorceresses in a Sorcering State, in a School of Sorcerycraft and Sorcery: Scholaria,
Harry Potter, an older novel about Witches and Wizards in a Wizarding World, in a School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Hogwarts

Terrie, The Sorcerer, a fantasy novel, that is the tale of a ten-year-old orphaned saint sorcerer, Terrie, who selected as Saviour of Souls and aided by the saints, travels to the Wizarding World (Sorcering State) to save souls of children in a School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (School of Sorcerycraft and Sorcery), seized and sacrificed by the satanists and the Sacrificer of Souls.
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