Thread: Hogwarts: Additional Hogwarts Characters
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Old 12-13-2021, 01:56 AM
Felixir Felixir is offline
Default Additional Hogwarts Characters

In the Hogwarts RPG, members have always been allowed one Hogwarts character to role-play in the school, and have listed in their postbit. Several terms ago, the rules were changed to allow for school staff to play one student character as well as their professor. Effective from term 60, all SnitchSeeker members will be eligible to play two characters in the Hogwarts RPG.

These will be referred to as 'primary' and 'secondary' characters to make it easier to differentiate. The main differences between the two are: your primary character's house will determine your username colour (unless you are in another usergroup which overrides this), your primary character's house banner will be on the left in your postbit and the secondary on the right (if you are double-sorted into the same house, you will have two of the same banner side by side), and only house points for your primary character will show in the Top Students leaderboard.

As characters in the RPG, both of your student characters will be equal.

In the Hogwarts RPG:
  • Members may role-play only one character in lessons. You can decide which of your two characters to play in each lesson - it doesn't have to be your primary character, and it doesn't have to be the same character in every lesson. You must specify which of your characters you are posting (mentioning them clearly by name will suffice). Anywhere else, you may role-play either or both students (though be sure to differentiate between the two using names and different fonts/font colours).
    • Staying limited to one character per member per lesson makes things easier on staff in replying to their lessons and awarding points afterwards.
  • Points for the 'secondary' character will not be awarded to the member, but to the house as a whole (to see these points, view the 'Top Students' page while logged out).
    • It is not possible to award points to two different houses for one member, only for the primary house. This is how staff member's student characters have their points added, and how points are given to and taken from houses as a whole.
  • Members will have access to the common rooms of the houses they are sorted into. Though this means you will technically be able to post your secondary character in the house of your primary character, please do not do this. Any posts of students in the wrong common rooms will be deleted.
  • Both of your characters can be in the same house, and both in the same year, if you would like, but you are encouraged to spread things around for more opportunities for in-character interactions.
  • You will be able to add the house information under both characters' names in your profiles. Be sure to do this to make it clear which of your characters is in which house. We will reference the house banners in your site to ensure the correct house information has been added.

If you have any questions about the introduction of second characters, feel free to ask them here, or to send me a PM directly if you are more comfortable doing so. We are trialling this out to see how it best works and iron out any potential issues, and greatly appreciate your patience and cooperation. More information on how to be sorted or resorted into your secondary house will be available in the Sorting site notice.

Hogwarts RPG Admin
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