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After placing his trunk away and finding a compartment at the back of the train, Daniel tossed his bag on the couch before he sat down with a loud sigh. Another summer without being able to use magic and he was not excited about it. Like during Christmas, the Hufflepuff thought that they should have a choice between staying at Hogwarts or going home for the summer holiday. He grabbed his bag and placed it on the other side of him before moving over to sit next to the window and peeked outside as the train flew past the landscape.
"Just two months... you can do this" he mumbled to himself as he closed his eyes and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
Serena had missed most of the feast simply because emotions were on the loose. Not her emotions. Those are kept locked away in a chest at the bottom of the Atlantic. The older students leaving had theirs on the loose, amongst the younger ones saying goodbyes. Not her cup of tea.
She still saw some of that out on the platform and even in some compartments, which she avoided going into. That is how she ended up in the compartment of maybe the most emotionless person, second to her.
"Two months of what," she asked after hearing Half-Batman mumble.
Hi, Half-Batman.