12-08-2021, 12:22 PM
2021 Days of Potter is here! Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,
hol-i-day cheer please! Welcome, welcome to another holiday season on SnitchSeeker! The annual Days of Potter has arrived and the doors to the Great Hall are opened wide for you to step inside! This year we will be paying homage to all the tradition and nostalgia that the holidays at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry provides. So brandish your wands, slip on your best dress robes that hopefully do not smell like your great aunt, and come celebrate with us from now until the end of December. There will be plenty for you, the amazing members of the SnitchSeeker community, to engage with from games, prizes, discussions, and so much more! So what are you waiting for? Come on in! Don't forget to check back every few days for more fun!