The meeting is ajourned... Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! Aurora knew that Mordred wanted even more time, but it wasn't just her that wanted to see the new recommendations for baby dragon care, many higher officials were interested too. She checked her in her meeting box for Darej on her notepad, flashing him a small nod before her focus turned to Carson and his report with a small smile. "Good work Carson, check in with enforcement later and see if they have a report for a missing tortoise. If not then you'll need to contact the magical menagerie in DA to see if they can take in the tortoise." They had after all not an infinite amount of space in the holding rooms to house creatures. All creatures needed to be relocated or excuted if it came to that within 7 days.
Isabel's botanists were very shy today and didn't say much to add to the dicussion like her employees did. Their focus of course was more on the holding room than on the tree which was understandable. Taking in the three of them's thoughts Aurora said. "Mordred, Darej and Carson you three all bring up thought worthy points about the holding room's defensive charms thats need to be looked over and be reinforced in the near future. I'll send out a memo about that next week." Maybe she should set a group of newbies on it?
Glancing over at her fellow department head Aurora shook her head. "I don't have anymore points to discuss Ms Marshall, but it worries me that creatures that are kept in the pet's and plants cafe have started to go missing. In total it's two kneazles, one crup and one ferret that aren't accounted for and I know for a fact that they haven't been adopted." Letting her gaze wander around the room Aurora said on behalf of both her and Isabel "Thank you all for coming, the meeting is ajourned! Please return to your duties and have a good work day!" As for the missing pets well she'd see if she needed to one of the enforcement employees on it within a day or so if she got no satisfactory news.
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