Join Date: Jun 2006 Location: sappyville♥
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Freddy Zimmer Gryffindor Seventh Year x5
| *sappysapper* MAJNOO, YO! Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie So...that was a no on the knot thing and another no on the fire then? To be honest, Atlas was more disappointed about the lack of fire even if he had been preaching his other theory almost all term. Fire he COULD actually produce from his wand, for better or worse.
Usually worse.
And while he was all begrudgingly for (she was still a house betrayer!) cheering his aunt up, all the kumbaya was sort of causing his skin to itch. He wouldn't be surprised if he had bumps and red patches, especially after Lisa offered to serenade the Herbology professor.
His heart lurched a bit at the appearance of Phoebe James, she would see the error of her ways and choice of Gryffindor some day and come back, but soon his attention was brought back Professor Flamsteed as discussion kicked off.
And, WELL, there were questions. And an answer. But also questions.
So UP went his hand.
"Invasive species." Which seemed abundantly obvious to him and it had to be carried from SOMEWHERE. "Invasive species that popped up sometime after the whole beautifying Hogwarts hullabaloo."
Yes. Hullabaloo.
" must have sneaked in with all those things we were planting." Hullabaloo.
It was why he wanted to follow the vines and untangle the knots and maze of roots to see if they could follow it all the way back somewhere. Though, as had been pointed out by Professor Kazmi, the entanglement was a lot so...may be virtual impossible. But he ALSO was saying these things in defense of his aunt...because he would smite anyone who tried to pin any of this on her.
"But said THESE vines," he pointed out...with some actual pointing at his aunt. She ought to know! She had vines covering her place! "That means you know the species of vine and its acting...not how it should be, right?"
His eyes were all kinds of wide and hopeful. Atlas continued to surprise her, did he know? She should probably let him know this one of these days - when he wasn't stinking up her class with dung bombs, that is.
Nodding with a small smile for now, however, June clasped her hands together at the back and paced back and forth, considering his theory, "It is really curious - the timing of it all, so it is certainly plausible that something sneaked in during that time" But the question remained - what was it? "I do, and they are the common kind - but they are not acting like them at all, I have never known any vines - who flourish while other plants around them die,"she added, her tone heavy and concerned all at the same time. Quote:
Originally Posted by Chelliephone It was really nice to see how so many of them were trying to cheer up Professor Flamsteed. The relationships and trust between students and professors had.. looked and felt rough for awhile. Not that all of them had even been deserving of the distrust. Seeing so many of them now showing empathy... It gave him hope.
And the fact the beginning of the lesson was focusing on the vines as well. Hearing Atlas mention invasive species, he nodded his head in agreement. The beautification lined up too, considering the greenhouses, and the lake. He probably should check the pathways at some point too to see what the area looked like, since they'd planted there as well.
What was most curious to him though was how quickly they were growing. And how they were now seeming to target students. It was like devil's snare, but without the benefit (as it would be for them) of being scared of light. Which... Light. He raised his hand, "I agree with Atlas. I don't have any idea what the type of plant is, but it seems like it's suffocating all the others that were planted around them. What I don't understand though and what concerns me, is the glowing. Is that a sign of some type of radioactivity? Or a curse or something? And maybe that's what's creating the gas?"
It was just musing out loud. Quote:
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch Oh dear! Maybe Bella shouldn't have brought the seeds after all? It seemed that her seeds only made her head of house more sad. Oh well it was too late to take her gift back now. Bella saw the tears in Professor June's eyes but chose wisely to not say anything about it when she raised her hand to answer the first question. "These vines seems a work of something evil since they suffocate and suck out the life force from the plants around them so they dry and die. Could that weird luny healer Poppy have left that to destroy Hogwarts?" Bella pondered. "Maybe the glowing that Evan mentioned is an indication that it's a nocturnal plant that gets stronger at night when we all sleep and that's why we wake up to more wines everywhere?" If they slept they couldn't fight the vines back, but these were just ideas. Bella had honestly didn't know more than anyone else. She did know that that they had to do something or maybe they wouldn't have a castle soon. It was interesting to see how well they were bouncing off each other's answers, it was certainly why she had opted to have this discussion - that and the fact all her lesson plans had been ruined due to the shut down of the greenhouses.
But while Mr Nam's pointed observation of the 'glowing vines' was something June wanted to focus on, Miss Connolly's accusation of Healer Poppy made her chuckle. "I don't think this is anyone's doing, no matter how dangerous the plant may seem or is - see we have all kinds of plants, including the predatory kind - so while Atlas' theory is the most plausible, I don't think -- or well, I really hope this isn't someone's doing" "But yes, both of you make an excellent point about the 'glowing' - maybe that is something we need to focus on to figure out these vines" Quote:
Originally Posted by MadAlice "I agree, I think it is some sort of baneful magic causing this and not just an accident. But I don't think it's left over from Poppy, I think one of the people who were here for that beautification project did it, maybe more than one. There were lots of outsiders here that day and and we all split into groups, some people could easily have slipped away and done something." Violet didn't want to add what she was really thinking, that the strange plants appeared right after their own Board of Governors had paid them a visit and it was probably one or more of those unpleasant people who were behind all this. ....June stared at Miss Blackthorne. Did they have a conspiracy theorist in their midst? Or was she really onto something here? Not wanting to limit her brainstorming, June didn't stop her - but that did not mean she agreed with the girl. "I would like you to stay on the nature of the vines, Miss Blackthorne - since this is a herbology class, and not a conspiracy discussion on who did what" Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 It was nice the way everyone tried to cheer Flamsteed up in their own way. At least the woman thought that the rose was perfect and genuinely seemed to like it; that was a relief. Lisa especially made Claudine smile. That little Ravenclaw was always so enthusiastic about everything. She gazed around as Heath came up beside her. “Hi, you.” Thankfully none of the vines had caused him injury on the way here it seemed.
When Flamsteed spoke of the vines, the Snakette could not help but glare are the ones milling about. To think that she had actually adored them before; they were a menace. Claudine was inclined to agree with Atlas, Evan, Bella and Violet. Her first thought had been that the vines had been compromised somehow. “My first thought was that they were somehow compromised by or infused with dark magic,’’ Claudine volunteered simply. Nodding, June gave the vines another glance - were they growing while they were having this discission? Could they sense their unease? She hated how uncomfortable they made her. "I can't be sure if it is dark magic -- because with dark magic, the intent feels different. The energy ... feels different. Or maybe they haven't reached their full growth yet to impose harm" she mused, and wondered at the same time. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin Phoebe honestly didn't want to talk or think about the vines, but since it seemed like that was the only thing that was going to make Professor Flamsteed happy... She sighed heavily and cast a dark look at the vines. Stupid old things.
"Is it possible that there were seeds that were just dormant all this time and they got all... imbued with magic over the years, and something woke them up? Maybe we woke them up somehow. We're always doing dumb things. Blasting spells wrong and dumping bad potions down the drain. Maybe we created mutant vines out of our own stupidity?" June nodded - because yes, that was certainly something that could happen. "It is a likely theory, Miss James. But there are safety spells and enchantments in place to prevent that kind of stuff"A thing that was certainly needed when you had a space filled with underage wizards practicing magic most of the year. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady of Light OOOH, were they going to be learning more about these vines?? HM. She just found the vines terribly annoying but didn't give it any more thought.. and she probably should have. Because it was so weird how they were literally everywhere. Umm. "Maybe they want to take over the castle, professor!!" Not exactly helpful, oooops. Nope, it was not helpful at all.
But she nodded. "At the rate they are going, it certainly looks like they do want to take over the school, so you are not wrong there, Miss Nichols" Quote:
Originally Posted by astrocat Ash drew on her arm and looked away from the others. They were all sad, and that made her hand, and... ugh. She made sure to include pretty flowers in her drawing. The same flowers as the one in the picture she gave to the professor(she really liked them ok, it wasn’t copying if she made the original work). ”Well, the vines seem to be an invasive species. They’re also like the animal with lots of heads that grow back- have you tried burning them yet?- and they’ve been either taking resources from the other plants or directly harming them. There’s also the gas... they might be badly harming us soon.” And the vines... she was pretty sure they were tripping her on purpose or something. They were there, you got rid of them, they came back and wrapped around your leg while you were standing still.
Creepy. “Maybe they were engineered and then somebody really mean put them here. Dunno why. Are they the same vines that you had before?” June wasn't sure if Miss Fox's answer was relevant or not. She had listed all the things they already knew - but had not really offered an explanation as to why this may be happening. "I'll repeat what I said to Miss Blackthorne - we are not discussing who did what, we are simply trying to figure out the nature of these vines. So let's stay on that, shall we?" Quote:
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy For one fleeting moment, Heath worried he’d made a mistake by giving Professor Flamsteed her card now. Had he been too forward? Maybe he shouldn’t have given it to her in front of so many people! Just when he was really starting to get nervous, he felt her squeeze his shoulder. He blinked, unsure how to react, and he noticed her struggling to maintain her composure. Did he do that? At a loss for words, he replied with a nod and a soft smile.
There was another smile for Claudine as she greeted him, but before he could say anything else to her, the lesson began. Hearing the question, his eyes automatically flicked toward the vines, and the wheels in his mind began turning. Since nobody, including the herbology professor, seemed to know what these vines were, it was probably a new kind of plant. Maybe a hybrid of some kind? Then a thought occurred to him. Could these vines be related to Devil’s Snare? They behaved somewhat similarly.
Listening to his classmates’ answers took his thoughts in a slightly different direction. After some careful consideration, he raised his hand and said, “I agree with Violet. It can’t be a coincidence that these vines appeared only after the Board of Governors’ decorating project, which means either someone tricked them into bringing the vines here or…” His voice trailed off before he could finish that sentence. Somehow he didn’t think it would go over well if he brought up the possibility that someone on the Board was in on this. “Never mind,” he continued, trying to change the subject. “I think these vines are a hybrid species of some sort, possibly related to Devil’s Snare.” Seemed like Mr Jones was listening, so she simply nodded before moving on. "I think you all have made some excellent points. These vines do feel like they are mutant in nature, with an intent to invade as much as possible - I also think they are not likely to stop unless we intervene," she stated, her clasped hands at the back itching to reach out for the vine that she could see moving from the corner of her eye, wrapping itself tightly around a column. But she controlled herself. "So, how do you propose we put a stop it? How do you think we can -- " she paused to clear her throat, clearly unable to say it, "-- put an end to them?"
__________________  ......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥ |