Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE! Mia stepped out onto the balcony, drawing her flannel closer as she looked around the grounds. For once it was not raining on a weekend, and there was a fairly good view from here. She could see the lake, and her cottage, and sort of the greenhouses. It was a good thinking place. There was a lot to think about.
Dying plants usually led to dead creatures, as was the squid's concern. And she was not willing to let any creatures die on her watch. It was really too bad that her specialty wasn't freshwater aquatic creatures, she felt somewhat helpless even with the research she'd done so far.
Mia frowned, crossing her was chillier up here than she thought it would be.
Maybe they could add some supplements to the lake water to temporarily make up for the unbalanced chemicals from the dead plants. She'd have to talk to Kamran about that. At least until they found out why the plants in the lake were dying. And the plants in the greenhouses, too, she supposed...that fog was weird. |