Which came first, the phoenix or the flame? Ash smiled at Professor Kazmi, happy that he returned her greeting properly. And he didn’t call her Fox either, which was nice. And look how many people had greeted her today! For once, Ash felt pretty good about herself. She didn’t see anyone glaring at her. That was nice...
What were they talking about... oh.
Ash liked to be profound. She liked to think about the meaning of life, if there was one. She liked to think about where the line between good and bad was drawn and why she...
She didn’t like to be profound out loud though. Because she didn’t have all the answers. And she didn’t want to admit that. “We have to keep going- not necessarily forwards, but maybe sideways- because otherwise we’ll fall. But we also have to remember the past and factor it into our decisions, or else we’ll do something stupid repeatedly.” That was true. And she worded it carefully so that it could physically apply to flying... even though she meant it in a more metaphorical way. |