Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! The vines were little by little taking over every nook and cranny of the castle and Bella didn't like it. The vines were annoying, distracting and at times they could cause accidents or involuntary injuries. She had so far not been injured by any vines, but it was probably only a matter of time before that changed. On this monday she hurried out to the pitch with her broom in hand after breakfast. Bella quickly kicked off from the ground before her legs were hugged by any vines or worse her broom got tangled in any vines.
Bella flew up to hover next to Ash in front of Mr Kazmi and smiled around at them both. "Good morning Mr Kazmi and Ash! It's a great day to fly right?" She had to try to sound positive because looking down at the vines would only put a dampen on her mood.
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