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Old 11-01-2021, 01:18 AM
Felixir Felixir is offline
Default Flying Lesson 2 - Reverse

Monday mornings are not the most fun in the world, nor the liveliest of times, but you would do well to have your wits about you even before turning up to your flying lesson today.

The vines which have been snaking their way through Hogwarts have also made themselves at home here in the Training Area. They cover the ground, ruining what was once a perfectly good lawn in the middle of the track. These persistent little blighters just keep growing back no matter what (Kamran doesn't want to talk about it); you're probably used to seeing them around here by now, but today the vines are determined to do some serious ankle-hugging. Fortunately, this class tends to take place in the air, so at least that's one problem that can be avoided.

Mr Kazmi is already on his broom, about ten feet or so in the air, as he waits for the class to arrive, and is hovering directly by the entrance tunnel into the Training Area, as opposed to his usual spot along the perimeter.

"Mount your brooms and hover up here while we wait to get started," he tells each student as they arrive. "Well away from the vines, please." Distracting, that's what they were. And annoying. But mostly distracting.


OOC: Welcome to the second RPed Flying lesson of the term. Be sure to read the rules before posting. I'll be kicking things off in about 24 hours.

Question 1: Is it ever a good idea to look or move backwards? (in life or in flying)
Activity: Practice reversing (slalom poles or lapping the area)
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Question 2: Reflection on activity/reversing as a whole
Activity: Obstacle course in reverse
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