For Kath/Atlas Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Was Moose in a good mood?... HA NO!
It was not uncommon for the Fourth Year Slytherin to be grouchy. Who wouldn't be though? If they had to correct their path twice now thanks to ever changing Moving Staircases. Once they finally stopped moving Moose took a moment to reassess his positioning and calm down a tad. He was trying to get to the Library to get some History of Magic book to help him study the subject that constantly took him by surprise. Perhaps he could get the names of the Architect/Wizard/Witch/Warlock/Sorcerer whoever that thought forever changing sets of stairs would be a smart design choice and curse their descendants.
He spotted his destination quickly and tried to follow the stairs new paths with his eyes before they shifted again. He also looked at the nearest exit they presented him. History of Magic books could wait and he could just quit this little attempt to learn more about this world and get off the very stairs that were not helping his already perturbed attitude.
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