Both her parents worked for the Ministry and Scarlett wasn't happy just aSsUmInG they were corrupt, because she knew there were NOT.
THEN AGAIN, she also had heard - because her parents worked there - that their leadership the other year wasn't too great, so MAYBE it was corrupt.
Merlin, this was boring and exhausting already. Eurgh.
But FINE, Scarlett had picked a RED CARD and so she'd PLAY HER PART. "THE MINISTRY IS CORRUPT" She shouted PROCLAIMED before making her point, "BECAAAAUSE..." Uh...
... "Uuuuum... beCAUSE... the people in charge can be under evil influence." She finally said. "Like under an UNFORGIVABLE CURSE." TUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU--
That was it. That was all she had.
BUT it'd happened before and she KNEW it.
PEOPLE WERE GOOD in general, in her humble opinion, BUT not ALL were good - not ALL the time, at least - aaaand she KNEW that TOO. The EVIL people COULD have cursed the nice guys - AS THEY HAD NOT TOO LONG AGO - and THEN the Ministry would be corrupt.
WITH HER PARENTS WORKING THERE still. It could happen. It had happened.
In other news, this vine was ANNOYING. |