Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE! Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie It wasn't that he didn't trust professors with delicate phials. In fact, truth be told, this was probably the safer option than he keeping them in his pockets considering his aversion to proper balance and dad's refusal to charm his pockets like the man did his own suits. But there was still something a little unnerving about handing over evidence to someone else. "Please be careful with that," Atlas found himself saying. "The phial." Though there were multiple samples collected and therefore multiple opportunities to examine.
"He'll appreciate that." Bartholomew Henry, that is. "Uuuh...I think someone was going to my aun---Professor Flamsteed. And probably also Professor Kazmi. I'm not sure exactly since I bolted first and giant squids are your territory."
And he also did not quite feel like going to his aunt about trouble. "The phial will be perfectly safe with me," Mia assured him. Especially in her flannel pocket. It was less likely to have a hole than, say, a coat pocket or in her jeans. Also more likely to be clean.
How interesting that Flamsteed came to her and not his aunt. Maybe they weren't close? She supposed she could ask. But it wasn't really her business. "Very well, I'll make sure to get information from them as well." She was weird to think that the giant squid fell under her care. Maybe she should go speak with him. Hmm...maybe once they had some answers. She turned briefly to lock up her cottage, then briskly walked away from it, assuming the young Flamsteed would least bug off from her cottage. It wasn't interesting when she wasn't there. "Thank you for your help, Mr. Flamsteed" she said, planning to go up to the castle. The phial, at least, needed to be analyzed, and she was curious what the other students had told Professors Kazmi and Flamsteed. Likely mostly the same, but different children tended to hold onto different details. Maybe...hmm. She debated sending patroni to coordinate with the other professors, but....well, they'd probably make their way to the castle eventually. And her patronus was embarrassing. |