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...The fact that she was experiencing memory loss was interesting, considering that she hadn't encountered any other situations among those who'd been exposed to Healer Poppy's ridiculous attempts at "helping." It was concerning too, as memory loss was nothing to sweep under the rug. She frowned slightly, considering.
"There are potions, of course. Ones that help to keep the mind alert and focused. My concern is that if there are any underlying issues that require more focused healer attention, those potions could mask symptoms." And she didn't want that. "I think I'd like to do a little more research on this before offering you anything just to be safe, alright? And I will also speak to Headmaster Trent to share your concerns over your studies and upcoming exams."
Violet sighed softly--she'd figured there probably wouldn't be anything they could do for her, but it was worth a shot trying. Just her luck to be the only person to have an allergic reaction to whatever Poppy had been using. She resigned herself to just waiting until all traces of whatever substance it was had left her system and just hope for the best (and keep trying extra hard this year).
But...there was still that other problem.
"Thanks, anyway; I guess I'll just have to wait until it goes away." If it ever did.
"Um, by the way--I don't know if you ever have any contact with St. Mungo's, but...I recently had a letter that my former governess had sustained some sort of injuries in her job at the Ministry and had been sent there, and I just wondered if you knew anything about how she was doing." Because if anything serious happened to Miss Howard, that would just be the last straw.
"Her name is Miss Howard--Jane Howard." Would she know anything about this? And if she did, would she be able to tell a nosy little kid? But, as always, it was worth a shot.